Answer :
increasing the minimum driving age
Paragraph 1—Explain your perspective on the issue you chose. Write in complete sentences.
Did you know that the highest rates of car crash involvement is based on kids whose age varies from 16-17 ? I believe that there should be an increase in the minimum driving age from ages 16 to 21 because at age 16 your brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until your at least 25 years old. Research has shown that “ Pictures of the brain in action show that adolescents' brains work differently than adults when they make decisions or solve problems. Their actions are guided more by the emotional and reactive amygdala and less by the thoughtful, logical frontal cortex.” That means that based at where there are at their stage of their brain development they are more likely to act on impulse, engage in dangerous or risky behavior, misread or misinterpret social cues and emotions and they are less likely to think before do something, pause or even think that there may be consequences to their actions they may not even change dangerous or inappropriate behaviors while they are doing them. My dad was recently hit by a car by a 20 year old girl. He suffered multiple- injuries on both his arms and legs. He also may never even with physical therapy, be able to lift his arms above his head and have to have a list of surgerys to even get him to that point . It's very important that if you're driving to have very limited distractions or else you’ll make a mistake that could cost someone important to them or you.
Paragraph 2—Describe how else the issue could be addressed. Include input from your discussion with a trusted adult. Write in complete sentences.
To someone else they may say that it's important to get your license before if you choose to go to college but if you didn’t have a car you could bike, walk to your class or take public transportation by doing that you're exercising, burning calories and reducing your carbon footprint you are also helping slow down the amount of pollution in the air. My mother agreed with me. She also believes that the age requirement for drivers to be raised to 21.