Answer :
Yes there are parallels in modern times to the policies of the Assyrians.
The Assyrians practiced a policy of resettlement of the population of its conquered territories. This policy was a tool used by the government to strengthen the kingdom by developing new lands for agricultural purposes, promoting the sharing of knowledge and sometimes for punishing political enemies of the kingdom in the place of execution. In most cases, the elite members of conquered territories were moved to Assyria to increase their knowledge wealth by incorporating knowledge from these people into their knowledge base. In recent modern times, this policies can be seen to be paralleled by the Nazi regime during world war II. The Nazi policies included the resettlement of some of the population of conquered territories as it was seen in the resettlement of Jewish prisoners from every corners of Nazi occupied territories to strategic camps. Also some of these territories was prepared for occupation of German citizens. This type of policy was also developed and held by Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini in fascist Italy during the same period, and envisioned the territorial expansion and occupation of external territories by Italian citizens.