Answer :
Answer: Provided in the explanation section
(a). BIND is a type of DNS server used on the internet, actually it is reported to be most widely used DNS server on the internet. Also BIND is the de-facto standard on Unix like operating systems and Linux. Thus it can be used to locate computers on a network using domain names instead of their IP addresses. BIND was originally programmed at the University of California, Berkeley in the 1980s, this was made possible by a grant from US based DARPA program.
Originally, BIND stood for Berkeley Internet name daemon, but nowadays it is called Berkeley Internet name domain.
(b). In some of the clients in windows and Windows servers we will install LDP. By the LDP.exe we can test tDNS, Active directory woking , even we can add or modify. LDP is used to test and verify the Active Directory objects. We will install in windows machine then open the software, then from the menu we will select connect and type the IP adress of the Active Directory then we will select or type the objects of Active directory. For Linux system we have to openldap and can search the AD.
From Linux or Unix we can use the nmap tool which can test the network connectivity between all the computers whether it is windows or Linux. By nmap we can test by ICMP protocol to verify the network connectivity. By nmap we can scan all the port which are required to open from client to the server. We can also use nslookup to test DNS server from the client. By nslookup we can check that client can connect the server.