Write a program that accepts any number of homework scores ranging in value from 0 through
10. Prompt the user for a new score if they enter a value outside of the specified range. Prompt
the user for a new value if they enter an alphabetic character. Store the values in an array.
Calculate the average excluding the lowest and highest scores. Display the average as well as the
highest and lowest scores that were discarded.

Answer :



This program is written in Java programming language.

It uses an array to store scores of each test.

And it also validates user input to allow only integers 0 to 10,

Because the program says the average should be calculated by excluding the highest and lowest scores, the average is calculated as follows;

Average = (Sum of all scores - highest - lowest)/(Total number of tests - 2).

The program is as follows (Take note of the comments; they serve as explanation)

import java.util.*;

public class CalcAvg


public static void main(String [] args)


 Scanner inputt = new Scanner(System.in);

 // Declare number of test as integer

 int numTest;

 numTest = 0;

 boolean  check;





     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

    System.out.print("Enter number of test (1 - 10): ");

    numTest = input.nextInt();

    check = false;

    if(numTest>10 || numTest<0)

     check = true;


   catch(Exception e)


     check = true;




  int [] tests = new int[numTest];

//Accept Input

for(int i =0;i<numTest;i++)


System.out.print("Enter Test Score "+(i+1)+": ");

tests[i] = inputt.nextInt();


           //Determine highest

           int max = tests[0];

           for (int i = 1; i < numTest; i++)


               if (tests[i] > max)


                   max = tests[i];



           //Determine Lowest

           int least = tests[0];

           for (int i = 1; i < numTest; i++)


               if (tests[i] < least)


                   least = tests[i];



           int sum = 0;

           //Calculate total

           for(int i =0; i< numTest;i++)


               sum += tests[i];


           //Subtract highest and least values

           sum = sum - least - max;

           //Calculate average

           double average = sum / (numTest - 2);

           //Print Average

           System.out.println("Average = "+average);

           //Print Highest

           System.out.println("Highest = "+max);

           //Print Lowest

           System.out.print("Lowest = "+least);



//End of Program

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