Design and implement a program (name it SumValue) that reads three integers (say X, Y, and Z) and prints out their values on separate lines with proper labels, followed by their average with proper label. Comment your code properly. Format the outputs following the sample runs below.
Sample run 1:
X = 3
Y = 2
Z = 4
Average = 3.0
Sample run 1:
X = 7
Y = 8
Z = 10
Average = 8.333333333333334
Sample run 1:
X = 7
Y = -3
Z = -5
Average = -0.3333333333333333

Answer :


class sum (

public static void sumofvalue (int m, int n, int p)





int SumValue=m+n+p;




Public class XYZ


public static void main(String [] args)


sum ob=new sum();

int X=3;

int X=4;

int X=5;


int X=7;

int X=8;

int X=10;





The above program is made in Java, in which first we have printed value in a separate line. After that, the average value of those three values has been printed according to the question.

The processing of the program is given below in detail

* The first one class named 'sum' has been created which contains the function to print individual value and the average of those three values.

* In seconds main class named 'XYZ', the object of that the above class had been created which call the method of the above class to perform functions.

* In the main class values are assigned to variables X, Y, Z.

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