Answer :
Objective of the problem is to maximize profit.
Each jar is of 10 ounces.
Western Food Salsa (W) contains:
50% whole tomatoes, i.e. 50%*10 = 5 ounces;
30% tomato sauce, i.e. 30%*10 = 3 ounces;
20% tomato paste, i.e. 20%*10 = 2 ounces.
Mexico City Sales (M) contains:
70% whole tomatoes, i.e. 70%*10 = 7 ounces;
10% tomato sauce, i.e. 10%*10 = 1 ounces;
20% tomato paste, i.e. 20%*10 = 2 ounces.
Note: 1 pound = 16 ounces for below calculations
Maximum available quantity of Whole Tomatoes = 280*16 = 4480 ounces
Maximum available quantity of Tomato Sauce = 130*16 = 2080 ounces
Maximum available quantity of Tomato Paste = 100*16 = 1600 ounces
Profit for each jar of W = 1.64 - (0.96*5/16 + 0.64*3/16 + 0.56*2/16 + 0.10 + 0.02 + 0.03) = $ 1.00
Profit for each jar of M = 1.93 - (0.96*7/16 + 0.64*1/16 + 0.56*2/16 + 0.10 + 0.02 + 0.03) = $ 1.25
a. Refer first table in Sensitivity report, Optimal solution is following
W = 560 jars
M = 240 jars
Profit = $ 860
b. Refer third table in Sensitivity report, Objective coefficient range is as follows
Variable Objective coefficient range
Lower limit Upper limit
W 0.89286 1.25
M 1 1.4
Lower limit is obtained by subtracting allowable decrease from the objective coefficient and upper limit is obtained by adding allowable increase to objective coefficient
c. Refer third table in Sensitivity report, Shadow prices (or Dual value) of each constraint are following
Whole tomatoes = 0.12500
Tomato sauce = 0.00000
Tomato paste = 0.18750
Interpret each shadow price
i. The shadow price is the value that the objective function will change...
ii. 0.125, increase by $ 0.125
iii. 0, not change
iv. 0.188, increase by $ 0.188
v. it is a non-binding constraint
d. Refer fourth table of sensitivity report, Right hand side ranges of the constraints are following
Variable Righ Hand Side Range
Lower limit Upper limit
Whole tomatoes 4480-160 = 4320 4480+1120 = 5600
Tomato sauce 2080-160 = 1920 2080-inifinite = infinite
Tomato paste 1600-320 = 1280 1600+40 = 1640
cheers i hope this helped !!!