Answer :
The environments in which cells grow often change rapidly. For example, cells may consume all of a particular food source and must utilize others. To survive in a changing world, cells evolved mechanisms for adjusting their biochemistry in response to signals indicating environmental change. The adjustments can take many forms, including changes in the activities of preexisting enzyme molecules, changes in the rates of synthesis of new enzyme molecules, and changes in membrane-transport processes.
Initially, the detection of environmental signals occurred inside cells. Chemicals that could pass into cells, either by diffusion through the cell membrane or by the action of transport proteins, and could bind directly to proteins inside the cell and modulate their activities.
For the cells to respond briskly to a changing environment, their effect should be short-lived.
Response of cells
• Cells can react to the changes in their surroundings.
• If a cell react briskly to the fluctuation in the surrounding then the effect succeeded by responses should be short-lived, else cells would fail to tolerate the upcoming modifications in the environment.
• Cells can react to the environment with the help of certain receptors, that is, the specialized cells, which detect a stimulus.
Thus, if the cells are required to react briskly to a changing environment, then their effect should be short-lived.
For more information regarding response of the cell see here: