Design and implement a program (name it Youth) that reads from the user an integer values repressing age (say, age). The program prints out the entered values followed by a message as follows: If age is less or equal to 21, the message is "Age is a state of mind.". Finally, the program always prints out the message "Age is a state of mind." Format the outputs following the sample runs below.
Sample run 1:
You entered: 20
Youth is a wonderful thing. Enjoy.
Age is a state of mind.

Answer :



The programming language is not stated; I'll answer this question using C++ programming language;

Another thing to note is that; the sample run is quite different from the illustration in the question; So, I'll assume the program to print "Youth is a wonderful thing. Enjoy.", if and only if age is less than or equal to 21

The program is as follows


using namespace std;

int main()  {

int age;

int i =1;


cout<<"Sample run: "<<i<<endl;

cout<<"You entered: ";


if(age<=21)  {

 cout<<"Youth is a wonderful thing. Enjoy."<<endl; }

cout<<"Age is a state of mind"<<endl;


cout<<"Run another? (Y/N): ";

char resp;




 goto start;


return 0;



Line 4 of the program declares age as integer

Line 5 declares and initializes a counter variable, i to 1

Line 6 is used as a label to start another sample run

Line 7 prints the Sample run in the following format;

        Sample run 1, during the first iteration

        Sample run 2, during the second iteration; and so on...

Line 8 prompts the user to supply details for age

Line 9 stores user input in variable age

Line 10 checks if age is less than or equal to 21

If true, the program outputs Youth is a wonderful thing. Enjoy., then it continues execution on line 23

Otherwise, it jumps directly to line 23 and outputs Age is a state of mind

The counter is increased by 1 on line 24

The program asks if the user wants to take another sample run on line 25

The response is saved in a char variable on line 27

If the user response is Y, the program goes to the label on line 6 to begin another iteration

Otherwise, the program is terminated.

See attachment for source file

${teks-lihat-gambar} MrRoyal

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