

a. What are the qualities of a good friend? What do you want and need from a friend?
What are you willing to give a friend? Think of at least five attributes of a good friend and
explain each using concrete examples.
b. What are the qualities of a good neighbor? How is being a good neighbor similar to being
a good friend? Think of at least five attributes of a good neighbor and explain each using
concrete examples.
c. What are the qualities of a good citizen? How is being a good citizen similar to being
a good neighbor or good friend? Think of at least five attributes of a good citizen and
explain each using concrete examples.
3. Is it possible to obey all the laws but still not be a responsible citizen? Is it possible to break
the law but still be a good citizen? In your response, explain your reasoning and use hypothet-
ical (imaginary) examples to support your explanation.

Answer :


a. Honest..


Low-Maintenance. ...

Non-Judgmental. ...

Loyal. ...

Respectful. ...


- All that I would ever ask from a friend is that they are honest, trustworthy, and loyal to me. A friend to me can be anybody. A friend can be my classmate, my acquaintance, or someone that I talk to a lot. ... I do not expect much in a friendship except for loyalty, honesty, and trust.

-Be there when they are experiencing their highest highs and their lowest lows. Laugh with them, cry with them, don't just talk about always being there.

-  TELEPATHY.The ability two or more close friends have when they've been friends for a LONG time

... HONESTY.Honesty is the foundation of a good friendship. Building and maintaining this honesty requires a conscious effort to tell the truth, communicate freely and keep your word. ... But in order to have an honest relationship, you must always feel able to be open with each other ...

HUMOR.a mood or state of mind. ...

EMPATHY.Empathy is the ability to understand how someone else is feeling. Showing empathy is one of the most important traits in building and maintaining relationships. Empathy allows others to feel understood and cared for. It can strengthen an already existing friendship and help forge a new one.

... GENEROSITY. “When we give to others, we don't only make them feel closer to us; we also feel closer to them.”...

b. Giving.


Tidy. No one likes a messy neighbor. ...

Quiet (ish) ...


- Friendly relationships with your neighbors enhance your family's social life and create meaningful relationships. A friendly neighborhood dynamic encourages you and your family to get out of the house, have some fun, and meet new people.

- Honesty – tell the truth.

Integrity – be morally upright.

Responsibility – be accountable for yourself and your actions.

Respectfulness – treat others how you want to be treated.

Compassion – show fellowship with your compatriots who are down on their luck by volunteering and/or making donations to charities.

3. Obeying laws is the most important duty of a citizen. They are designed to help people get along with one another, prevent accidents, make sure resources are used fairly. If the people do not obey the laws; our government cannot maintain order, protect our health, safety, and property.

-A person must break the law not because it is convenient to do so, but because they sincerely believe the law is unjust. Finally, they must be willing to take the consequences of breaking the law. If you truly believe the law is wrong, you should break it in a public way so that people can see what you are doing.


i hope this helps you.

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