Answer :
1. C. No; as both the owner and operator of Daniel's Tantalizing Tees, Daniel has not created the necessary agency relationship through which an agency conflict can exist.
For an agency problem to exist, the owners and the managers must be two different sets of people. If they are the same person, then practically speaking, they cannot usurp their own wealth.
2. C. No; although an agency relationship exists between TGZ's management-including Li as TGZ's chairman and CEO and the firm's shareholders-there is no agency conflict, because no expropriation or wasting of the shareholders' wealth has occurred.
Indeed there is an Agency relationship in effect because some shareholders are not in management. However, it cannot be said that there is a agency conflict because there is no evidence shown that shareholder wealth is being expropriated.
3. Intrinsic
The Intrinsic value of a stock is the value that an investor believes the stock is worth. A Manager should therefore get incentives that will inspire them to take investor perception of stock high. When this happens it increases shareholder wealth primarily through capital gain.
4 ... direct shareholder intervention would be more likely to motivate the firm's management.
Institutional Investors such as Pension and Mutual funds usually have more say in a company as they represent several shareholders and have expertise in the field. Should they get involved, their direct intervention would motivate the firm's management.
5. More likely
If investors believe that the stock should be trading for higher than it actually is, this is incentive to try to lay their hands on the stock to take advantage of this undervaluation. They would be able to offer the current shareholders more money than what it is currently worth which will most likely get them the shares they want. This is classified as a Hostile takeover.