For thy sake I have rejected wickedness. I have done no hurt unto man, nor have I wrought harm unto beasts. I have committed no crime in the place of Right and Truth. I have had no knowledge of evil; nor have I acted wickedly. Each day have I laboured more than was required of me...I have caused no wrong to be done to the servant by his master. I have caused none to feel pain. I have made [no man] to weep. I have not committed murder; nor have I ever bidden any man to slay on my behalf. I have not wronged the people.

Background information: This excerpt comes from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which gives instructions regarding how to reach the Egyptian afterlife. Upon arriving at the Hall of Justice, where one enters the afterlife, the dead soul had to swear to this statement:

What key principles of Egyptian culture are contained in this statement? Select all that apply.

Gaining of material wealth.
Working very hard.
Emphasizing the importance of family.
Living a religious life.
Respecting those above you.

Answer :



Working very hard.

Living a religious life.


The Book of the Dead is a collection of texts that are written and placed alongside the dead corpse when they are buried. This is to allow a safe passage to the dead person's soul  in the hereafter. They contain spells and magic formulas that can help guide the soul into his journey through the afterlife.

As seen in the excerpt, the themes of hard work and living a religious life seem to be a prominent and important aspect of an Egyptian's life. The proclamation that "I have rejected wickedness, I have done no hurt unto man, nor have I wrought harm unto beasts. I have committed no crime in the place of Right and Truth. I have had no knowledge of evil; nor have I acted wickedly. Each day have I labored more than was required of me" reveals the importance of righteous living and hard work. But there is no mention of material wealth, or family or respecting superiors.

Thus, the correct answers are the second and fourth options.


Working very hard.

Living a religious life.

Respecting those above you.


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