Answer :
1. Veracity and construction are important factors in evaluating an argument. Well-constructed arguments are clear, simple and straightforward, allowing a quick understanding and understanding of the spoken subject. Veracity is also essential, because it shows that the argument is true and that it is passing on correct information.
2. These factors are important because they allow the construction of a coherent, respectful, intriguing and cohesive debate. This is because a debate with well-constructed and true arguments, is capable of demonstrating various facets of a topic efficiently and thoroughly.
3. Deductive arguments are those that contain enough information for a conclusion on a given topic to be created, inductive arguments, on the other hand, do not promote the creation of a conclusion, but provide information that provides the basis and the necessary grounds for there to be a deduction and valid reasoning.
4. In order to answer the fourth question, it would be necessary to know the activities and concepts that you have studied, but you can answer that question by highlighting the activity or concept that best matched your personality and beliefs. Then you can explain that the concepts and activities that you did not highlight are concepts that are complicated for your understanding, or that do not match your personal values on some points.