Answer :

Complete Question

Protecting wood. How can we help wood surfaces resist weathering, especially when restoring

historic wooden buildings? In a study of this question, researchers prepared wooden panels and

then exposed them to the weather. For each of the following variables that were collected in

(a)-(c), identify:

i. the variable type (continuous, discrete, ordinal or nominal). Ensure that you

justify your response; AND

ii. the most appropriate graph to display the distribution (just mention the name of

the graph).

(a) Paint thickness (millimeters).

(b) Weathering season (spring, summer, autumn, winter).

(c) Type of wood (yellow poplar, pine, cedar).


Variable :   a Paint thickness (millimeters).

                b  Weathering season (spring, summer, autumn, winter).

                 c Type of wood (yellow poplar, pine, cedar).

i. the variable type (continuous, discrete, ordinal or nominal). Ensure that you  justify your response;

               a  Continuous, because Paint thickness (millimetres). is a numerical   data, which can take any value in a given interval

               b  nominal, because the variable takes only 4 names: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

               c  nominal, because the variable takes only 4 names:yellow poplar                

ii. the most appropriate graph to display the distribution (just mention the name of  the graph).    

               a     Histogram

               b      Pie Chart and Bar Chart

                c     Pie Chart and Bar Chart


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