
For lab, Brandy made a type of glowing liquid that she thought was really cool. The teacher instructed everyone to throw away the liquid in the trashcan, but Brandy decided to take the glowing liquid away in her water bottle so she could show her friends after school.

Which of the following rules did she break?

Rule 1:Students will not perform unapproved experiments oruse any equipment without prior instruction. Students will follow all of the instructions given by the teacher.
Rule 2: Students are not allowed in the supply room without permission. Students will not work on experiments when the teacher is not present.
Rule 3: Students will wear eye protection when needed.
Rule 4:Students will clean messes appropriately before leaving the lab room.
Rule5:Studentswillwearproperclothingduringexperiments.Noopenshoesandnodanglingjewelryareallowed. Long hair should be tied back.
Rule 6: Students will not eat, drink, or chew gum in the lab.
Rule 7: Students will not take materials from the lab without teacher permission.
Rule 8: Students will not horseplay or play practical jokes.
Rule 9: Students will keep their lab area free from non-laboratory materials.
Rule 10:Students will immediately let the teacher know about accidents, spills, and injuries.

Answer :


Explanation: becuse she took the equipment from the lab


rule 7  i think


bc she took it without asking

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