Find at least five problems in the research study described below. Identify the problem and explain how it is a violation of accepted research principles. Dr. Pauling wanted to study whether vitamin C affects self-esteem. She recruited 200 respondents who arrived at her lab. Participants were told that they were about to participate in a harmless research study, and they needed to sign a release form in case there were harmful side effects from the vitamin C pills. The 100 participants on the right side of the room received a pill with vitamin C and the others on the left received a pill with caffeine. She then gave each group a list of questions to answer in essay form about their self-esteem. When they were finished, she thanked the participants and sent them on their way. After compiling her findings, Dr. Pauling printed the names of the students and their results in the campus newspaper so they would know what the results of the test were. Dr. Pauling concluded that vitamin C had a positive effect on self-esteem.

Answer :


Dr paulin revealed names of participants hence violating confidentiality standard which is part of accepted research principles.

Five problems here include(including the above) :

no random assignment,

no random sampling

experimenter bias since the researcher gave the directions to participants

particupants were not briefed properly

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