Answer :

1. Cell division is when a parent cell divided and creates 2 child cells.
2. A sperm meets an egg cell, fertilizing jt. It moves into the uterine lining. A fertilized egg divides, forms the morula, five days after fertilization it becomes a blastocyst, and the outer layer forms the placenta.
3. Cells divide to replace old, dead or injured cells. they divide to produce more so you can grow.
4. Sexual and asexual reproduction is living, where sexual requires 2 parents mixing genetic material to fertilize an egg and asexual being a child cell becoming an identical, split off copy of the parent. Non living things replicate or form from chemical reactions, like ideas or rocks.
5. chromosomes double because you inherit 23 from your mom and 23 from your dad. they double so they can separate and form the child.
6.the action or process of fertilizing an egg, female animal, or plant, involving the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.
7. i kind of answered this in 4. sexual reproduction takes 2 parents to make genetically unique offspring, asexual makes an identical copy of the parent.
8. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.
9. chromosomes?
10. gametes are haploid cells with one set of chromosomes needed for reproduction. somatic cells have 2 sets of chromosomes and are diploid cells.
11. They are types of asexual reproduction.
12. In asexual reproduction the parent and child are identical.

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