Answer :
family They don't want them . There was a lady from there neighborhood can't bearer she said I can Take care of them . She was multi Millionaire she changed their names and she brought for them bed rooms ، bathroom and thire on toy's And a special clothing . they lived with her only 5 years then she said for the oldest daughter
step mom :mickey be careful with your siblings
Mikinzy : what will happen
Step mom: only I am telling you
After 2 weeks the step mother gaved the maid and told her.
Step mother: this is 3 millions for the kids and take care of them and don't tell them that I am traveling .
Maid : and if they asked me
step mother : she went to her family 5 months only .
Maid: but where you are going madame
Step mother: actually I am going to do a surgery in london
Maid : but why
Step mother: because I can't beCome
Maid: but you have mikinzy kareem and natalie
Step mother: it's not your problem so go away from my face
After 2 weeks mikinzy asked the maid where is my mother the maid told her everything mikinzy started to cry the maid went to her room
Maid mikinzy open the door I want to tell you something but I don't want natalie and kareem hear us
Mikinzy opened the door
Maid : I want to tell you something I love you and I hope to have only one daughter like You
Mikinzy : can you be my mother
Then the maid sell everything was at the castle and She said to mikinzy I will buy another castle to live there and buy our furniture mikinzy liked her idea after that mikinzy got bigger and studied medicine and became a doctor and her sister natalie studied special needs education and kareem became Engineer and they stayed with their maid actually there mom .