Part A
Both Europe and Japan had feudal societies during the Middle Ages. The code of chivalry for knights in the Europe is similar to the Bushido. The table lists the rules of the two codes. Compare the two codes. Then list the values that are similar in the code of chivalry and the Bushido.
European Codes of Chivalry Japanese Codes of Bushido
Fear God and defend the church.
Serve the lord (wealthy landowner) with courage and faith.
Protect the helpless.
Give comfort to widows and orphans.
Avoid offensive behavior.
Live by honor and for glory.
Avoid monetary reward.
Fight for the well-being of all.
Obey authority.
Guard the honor of fellow knights.
Avoid unfairness.
Keep faith.
Speak the truth.
Finish what you start.
Respect the honor of women.
Never refuse a challenge from an equal.
Never turn your back on an enemy.
Listen to your conscience, and always act with integrity.
Be respectful, courteous, and humble.
Be courageous.
Be honorable, sincere, and responsible.
Be compassionate, kind, and generous.
Be honest and truthful.
Be loyal and devoted to your duty.