Answer :
1. participle - verbal form used as an adjective
The sleeping boy dreamed of sugar plum fairies. Sleeping is a participle.
2. verbal - verb forms that function as nouns or modifiers, although the retain the characteristics of verbs
3. participial phrase - verbal phrase that acts as an adjective
Riding in the ski-lift, the boy enjoyed the view of the snow-capped peaks. The participial phrase is "riding in the ski-lift".
4. compound sentence - contains at least two independent thoughts; could be divided into two or more sentences
The dog is hungry, so the dog ate. The two independent thoughts are before and after the comma and coordinating conjunction.
5. nonrestrictive clause - unnecessary to the meaning of the words modified
For dinner, we are eating spaghetti, which is my favorite. "Which is my favorite" is a nonrestrictive clause. It is unnecessary to the meaning of the words.
6. , - sets off appositives
Commas set off appositives. Travis, my brother, is a great soccer player. The appositive phrase is "my brother". The commas surround the appositive phrase.
7. compound-complex sentence - contains two or more independent clauses and one or more subordinate clauses
After running the race, I was hungry, so I ate. The subordinate clause is "After running the race". The independent clauses are "I was hungry" and "I ate".
8. phrase - group of related words without a subject and verb
9. apostrophe - used to make possessives
The dog's toy, the cat's food. These phrases both have apostrophes which are used to show ownership.
10. coordinating conjunction - joins two independent clause: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So.