Answer :
First of all Amy should tell the patieent that everyone has an opinion and that the doctor wasn't trying to enforce his belefs on the patient.
Her role as an allied health proffessional is to let their clients see the benefits and the consequences of the actons they waant to take medically.
yes personally i thik Dr Williams has a right to let his patients know about his beliefs and why he can not do or perform certain tasks.
There is no problem legally or ethically with Dr Williams' action
Her role as an allied health proffessional is to let their clients see the benefits and the consequences of the actons they waant to take medically.
yes personally i thik Dr Williams has a right to let his patients know about his beliefs and why he can not do or perform certain tasks.
There is no problem legally or ethically with Dr Williams' action
Amy should tell the patient to ask a different doctor to give her the prescription.
Her role is to provide the patient with the facts, side effects, and rules. Her role is to give the patient what they need (as long as it's safe/necessary) without judgement.
Dr. Williams should let his patients know so that so they can find another doctor if their beliefs don't match and their needs aren't being satisfied.
It is a patient. The doctor can't tell her no if she asks him and if it will work for her. His career is to help the patient, not to judge them
Her role is to provide the patient with the facts, side effects, and rules. Her role is to give the patient what they need (as long as it's safe/necessary) without judgement.
Dr. Williams should let his patients know so that so they can find another doctor if their beliefs don't match and their needs aren't being satisfied.
It is a patient. The doctor can't tell her no if she asks him and if it will work for her. His career is to help the patient, not to judge them